Many thanks to '98 BC alum Don Nelson for getting the Carroll School involved with VCIC, now in our 3rd year of competition. Our students had a kickoff meeting with Don and with me tonight, and have begun preparing in earnest for the local competition this coming Friday. VCIC is the opposite of our Business Plan course, in that the students compete in the role of venture capitalists, negotiating mock Term Sheets with entrepreneurs we invite, and are judged on their knowledge of financial terms, creativity, establishing a rapport, etc.
The judges will award two prizes-- the winning team and then a 5-person "dream team" who will represent Boston College in the Regional Competition in February at Babson College (where we'll be competing against five other MBA teams). See pictures below, reprinted with permission.
The judges will award two prizes-- the winning team and then a 5-person "dream team" who will represent Boston College in the Regional Competition in February at Babson College (where we'll be competing against five other MBA teams). See pictures below, reprinted with permission.