As happens each February, we have kicked off our annual search for the 20 most promising venture ideas for my MBA Business Planning and Entrepreneurship course at Boston College. As more of these ideas are now going live, with the entrepreneurs consistently using much of the students' work, for this cycle, we're taking a new tack: we're experimenting with radio and TV outreach, in order to better spread the word. I've previously blogged about my involvement with Radio Entrepreneurs, and now additionally, a new TV show is debuting in the next few weeks. Please view the 1-minute promo below, and visit the course's new web site. You can send all interested entrepreneurs directly to me, please. A one-page summary of the program is here, too. Remember the Business Plans our students write will be completed free-of-charge, and the entrepreneurs will maintain all IP rights. I sincerely look forward to hearing from you, or from your referrals.
August 2014
Useful links: CCAFM is our international consulting partner in Beijing, China. They're smart, creative, honest, successful business people. Ms. Beth Goldstein is a good friend and doing some great work in the entrepreneurship space. Check out her blog. Mr. Yuya Kiuchi is a periodic guest blogger on this site, originally from Tokyo, Japan. Check out his personal page or Wikipedia profile. Mr. Samir Jaluria was one of our standout students in the full-time MBA Program at Boston College, and is a periodic guest blogger on this site. He is currently a management consultant and freelance writer. Check out his LinkedIn Profile. Mr. Jeffrey Ross, managing partner of Glenoe Associates LLC has owned or operated 6 businesses: Retail, hotels, distribution, fast food and assisted living. Jeff's a Mentor for my Business Planning course. |